Homer and Marge's Divorce

''Note: This story was originally in Spanish, so I've used Google Translate to make it comprehensible for English readers. However I haven't proof-read this story for any grammatical and spelling errors, so I apologize in advance if certain elements of this story don't make any sense.''

''Original Author of the Pasta: Cordura. http://es.creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Usuario:Cordura

''Link to their CreepyPasta Wiki Page here.''

''Anyway, here's the pasta...''

We all know who The Simpsons are, it's rare that someone doesn't know them. It is a series so known that there are even many stories called "Creepypastas " about this family, as "episodes lost ". I don't know how to explain this, but I think I've lived such an experience. Already by the title you must assume it, No? Well yes, and believe me that this experience has been the most sinister...
Everything started an hour ago or so, the fact is that it was on Youtube watching parts of episodes of The Simpsons, as I wanted to hang out, and, as I had nothing better to do, I decided that. The fact is that looking for, I appeared a video called the divorce of Homer and Marge and clicked.
The chapter began normal, the intro and because of that, from the part of Bart leaving the school to when Homer is rammed by Marge, the scene of the couch is something that now I can not remember, excuse...
Afterwards, the plot began at The Simpsons ' house having breakfast and at that time Bart explained to Marge that summer is coming soon and that she would like to go on vacation to Greece. Lisa makes a joke about the existence of the harpies. Bart looks at her with contempt and explains that in Greece what should concern them is the ultra-right party that seeks to expel all immigrants from the country on the basis of paties.
That joke seemed a little out of place (since it is not humor to be played in the series) but did not give importance, I assumed that only wanted to innovate...
Then Homer showed up and got very angry that he was missing a doughnut. Marge shows a scary face and Bart and Lisa are put behind the dog. Homer then starts screaming louder until Marge answers him verbatim:
"Shut up, you fucking orangutan! " What Homer answers with "You don't yell at me, woman! " They started arguing louder, but then the audio took off and the only thing you hear is a static sound. It seems that Homer is very angry and just when he is going to raise his arm to hit Marge, turns the audio and Marge hears shouting: "Hit me if you dare fucking faggot! " Homer recants the action he was going to commit and just when he's going to hug Marge , this one threatens him with a knife. Homer moves away and asks him to calm down, that he would never want to do any harm. Then comes the school bus and looks a plane of Bart and Lisa going to the stop at the same time Homer is going to his car.
Marge sees her crying alone watching TV along with Maggie, who doesn't seem to realize her mother's sadness. Flanders then arrives and makes his cliché laugh, but seeing Marge's expression, decides to enter the house to know what happens. Marge explains that she feels that she is planning to leave Homer, as she does not tolerate a relationship where there is no longer "passion" and that she plans to leave Homer a season. Flanders hugs her and tells her that she will always be to be friends with both, she leaves the house and Marge calls a lawyer to ask for a divorce.
The scene changes Homer at work, instead of sleeping like he always does, here he looks with tears a picture of his family. At that very moment, Mindy Simmons appears and kisses him. They begin to comment that for a long time, Homer is no longer happy in his marriage.
While at school, Bart and Lisa talk about how the family seems to be very distant and intense lately. Lisa is a little scared because they do not want to be separate and Bart talks about how positive was the divorce of Milhouse's parents.
He changes his scene and sees Homer back at Moe's Bar, here Homer explains to his friends that he plans to leave Marge, who notices that his marriage is dead but that he is not capable because he has to take care of the family. At the bar, everyone seems to be smiling, implying that they want the relationship with Marge to end.
When she gets home, Marge asks Homer to come up to her room to talk. Homer goes up and seems to have a lost look. They lock themselves in their room and Marge teaches them the divorce papers, which already have them all ready and asks him to sign it. Homer begins to cry and apologizes for his behavior this morning, pleads that if they are going to divorce, after the children are adults, but Marge does not cater for reasons. Homer starts breaking things and punching all over the place and Marge asks him to calm down. Marge gets behind Homer and this, moving abruptly, gives Marge a nudge. Marge falls to the ground and faints. Homer calls an ambulance and then the scene changes to the hospital.
The whole family is in the waiting room and Homer keeps crying. Bart tells him that in ancient Greece only the weak and the actors of the dramas wept and Homer looks at him with the eyes of sorrow. Bart, surprised at this attitude, asks why he does not strangle him and a woman in a suit looks at them at that instant. Homer tells him he's not in the mood.  
The plane changes Marge to a bed in the hospital and the same woman who looked at Homer and Bart appears.  She is presented as the lawyer in charge of the divorce proceedings and asks Marge if she is a victim of ill-treatment. Marge replies that Homer is a man with a high temperament, but would never kill a fly. The woman explains that it is not necessary to kill to be an abuser and asks him to deepen a little more. They spend several flashbacks of Homer being violent. So Marge says that a little aggressive is, but that as a batterer could not be considered. The lawyer answers with something, but the audio disappears again, gives him a business card and then leaves. Then the scene changes to Marge reunited with the lawyer and still does not hear the audio. They talk, but they don't hear anything. The doubt corrodes me and increase the volume, but you only hear static, so I put it down again and imagine what they are talking about, in my opinion how to solve the custody of children.
The scene changes to Homer met with Mindy and the audio appears again, Homer explains that he was planning to leave Marge, but now he is not able to sign the papers he has, because he does not want to separate. Mindy takes the papers and breaks them, explaining that although she knows she will leave Marge for her, she doesn't have to separate herself from her children. Just when they go to kiss, Marge calls and tells Homer not to sign the papers, Homer is happy but then tells him that Marge does not want to be with their children. Homer gets angry and tells him that nothing will separate him from "Bart, Lisa and the baby" and hangs her.
Now the chapter is held in a trial and are discussing custody, Marge asks Homer to see his children every 15 days and Homer shared custody. On Marge's side, they base that Homer is an incompetent and irresponsible father and Homer tries to deny such claims but it is difficult because the lawyer in a subtle way tries to imply that Homer is a "psychological abuser". In the end, Homer loses his mind and starts to cry, hitting the table. I waited for him to make a joke about food at the time but it didn't happen and I really felt sorry for him.
A sign comes out two years later and sees a Bart and a Lisa with more cordial clothes and the family with a happier appearance. A new man appears in The Simpsons ' family room and asked with a big smile and a nice voice; "Where is the best wife in the world? " A Marge appears with her hair straight and smiling saying that if she doesn't, she must be getting her horns. Everyone in the house is smiling, Maggie appears, she took off her pacifier and said; "Hello sir... " The new father raises Maggie and replies with a shadow in his face; "Nooooo Maggie, say Papa. " Maggie denies with her head smiling and, then, the man pulls it hard against the ground and shouts: "You call me Papa, brat! "   
Maggie starts crying and looks like she's hurt her shoulder. Marge runs to her baby and picks her up. The man orders Marge to leave the baby where she was and Marge begins to tremble. Bart gets up from the couch, puts himself next to his mother and says "you're not our Father " and spits him in the face. The man, now more enraged, pokes a punch in the face, followed by this, Bart falls to the ground and the man starts to hit a series of kicks in the stomach. Lisa rushes to her room and Marge pleads for her in tears to leave her son alone. The man accesses and crouches telling Bart "to see if you learn who is the boss" with a smile.
The scene changes to a homer totally collapsed and lying on the floor of a dirty room. She's watching two pictures, one her family's all together and another is Mindy's. He starts to cry and says to himself, "Just 6 more days and I can see you again, my children " and you will find blurred images of Bart's heads, Lisa and Maggie laughing. Homer gets up and goes the fridge to drink a beer, barely noticeable, but Homer is no longer hairy and looks a little more obese than before.
The plot continues in Lisa's room where she is writing in her diary as she cries, the stepfather enters the scene and sits next to him. He asks him about how the day has gone and she answers him with an unsafe tone that well. Then little by little, the stepfather approached Lisa's head and said to the ear: "Would you like to be the princess of Papa? " Then the stepfather caresses Lisa's legs with one hand and she begins to moan. Lisa Bites The man's hand and starts running towards the exit but is captured by the stepfather and knocked out with a punch.
Then the angle of the episode goes to a point of view in front of the stepfather who closes the door and although the only thing you see is the door, the sounds explain the rest... You hear a zipper sound and Lisa plead not to do anything, but then you hear blows and more blows and then begin to have groans of the poor girl. The plane changes Marge in the living room with Maggie and in the background, Lisa's pleadings are heard, accompanied by cheerful music. It looks like Marge doesn't even change, as if she's not listening to anything.
Then he moves to another scene in the basement, where he sees Bart lying on the floor, naked and has several cuts throughout the body, it seems that still breathing because he begins to cough blood. It is very unpleasant, it starts to move and it says in a tone full of anger: "Accursed bastard... " followed by another light coughed with blood.
Then the scene changes to Homer eating at a Krusty Burger with Patty and Selma. They (not if it was Patty or Selma) speak to him that does nothing, Marge and her new husband seemed to be quite well and that, although it was very demanding, was a good father of family. Homer seems to smile a little but he explains that even so, he still struggles not only to have a dignified life, but also to be able to live with his children. Then they say goodbye and they want the best.
The scene turns Lisa out of room, she could barely walk. He falls and starts to cry, followed by this dialogue: "Now I'm dirty... " And he hugs his body. Downstairs, Marge gets Maggie into the microwave and turns it on. Maggie begins to scream and sees as the baby's skin is burning slowly and as your ears comes out blood. Bart appears on stage and manages to get his sister out of time. Bart then looks at his mother angrily and takes a knife and threatens Marge not to get close to them, it answers that he does if he dares and Bart moves away to catch Maggie. Then the stepfather pops up and kicks Bart off. Maggie falls to the ground and gets a neck, looks like Maggie's dead.
The scene changes back to Homer, he is finishing his burger and as he goes to his car, look at the sky and asks God to take care of his children while he struggles to be with them. Then the screen gets black and then the credits appear with the melody they always have.
The video is changed to another, a parent, I think it was a joke about a "lobster Iraqi " or something, I was not interested in that and remove the YouTube window. I stayed thinking for a while and I wanted to believe that chapter would have been a bad joke of some fan of The Simpsons or something.
However, something is hovering in my head for a while and I keep thinking about it. Precisely right now, I have seen in the news that a family with the same situation as The Simpsons in that chapter and according to what the younger daughter testifies; His family was fine until she saw a chapter of The Simpsons "the Divorce of Homer and Marge ". I do not know if it is true, but I have the head at a hundred an hour and not to do, I hope that all this is a lie, I really want it.

''Translated by UltimateAnnihilator''